Sunday 2 June 2013

Calendar Cakes Challenge - Pump up the Jam!

Calendar Cakes Challenge
My good friend Susan from A little bit of heaven on a plate... is not only a champion marmalade maker (she won gold don't you know!) but she's an avid campaigner for keeping British jam the way it should be. She recently took on some jam meddling baddies at DEFRA in her quest to keep the fruity stuff as sweet as it should be. If you don't like sugar, eat a piece of fruit!

A little bit of heaven on a plateI was inspired by her work and by a recent cake club I ran with the same theme as this month's challenge: Pump up the Jam!

This month's challenge is quintessentially British. We want to see your perfect preserves, fantastic fruity numbers, marmalade mash ups and of course curd creations. If it involves jam, we're all over it!

This month is a Blog Hop, so feel free to share - just pinch the code below!

Entry Guidelines:
  • Follow Dolly Bakes and Laura Loves Cakes blogs using the Google Join this Site button.
  • Add links on your post to your hosts Dolly Bakes and Laura Loves Cakes.
  • Link to your blog from here using the Linky tool below. It's dead easy...
  • TIP: If you don’t have a blog you can still join in, just share the picture online (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr etc), right hand click on it and copy image URL or link address. Add this to the Linky et voila! 
  • If you're on Twitter, tweet us a link to your post @dollybakes and @lauralovesbakesUse the handle #CalendarCakes.

Challenge Rules:
  • You can enter as many times as you like. Bake to your little heart's content.
  • It can be your own recipe or one you found elsewhere (please just state where you found it).
  • You can use old posts as long as you update them with the 'Calendar Cakes' logo and link back (see above).
  • If you want to enter your bake into other challenges too then please feel free.
  • You must submit by the last day of each month.


  1. Oh how utterly gorgeous...and if the jam, or marmalade or curd is homemade even better. Thanks Rachel. x

  2. Ooooh, going to have to really think about this one & come up with a jammy dessert! I don't have ANYTHING on my blog! Thanks for tweeting me this!

  3. Yes! I've a chilli jam notion in the making... We'll see how that goes! If not, I'm sure I can find something to smother in summer preserves! Great challenge this month Rachel :)


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