Monday 28 May 2012

Jubilee Party Food and Decorations at M&S

Jubilee Goodies! 

They've done it again. Marks and Spencers know how to make me part with my cash. From the tempting party food to the cute table decorations! Here are some of my favourites from their Jubilee collection.
Marks and Spencers Rhubarb and Custard Doughnuts for the Jubilee
Mini Rhubarb and Custard Doughnuts
Marks and Spencers Jubilee Picnic
Limited Edition Pork Pie, Sausage Rolls and Lemon Spiky Cake
Marks and Spencers Iced White Finger Buns for the Jubilee
Iced White Finger Buns
Marks and Spencers Jubilee Mini Retro Jellies
Mini Retro Jellies

And not forgetting the all important decorations...

Union Jack Bunting

Diamond Jubliee Plastic Table Cover
Where have you got your Jubilee goodies from?


  1. I was immune and doing well until I saw the iced fingers! Gottaget! P

    1. They do mini welsh cakes too... Just couldnt get a pic!


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