Saturday 24 March 2012

A visit to Clandestine Cake Club South Lancs

I popped into the South Lancashire Clandestine Cake Club today to have a natter with our neighbouring members. I had a cracking time and came back with a box full of cake (which is never a bad thing...) The theme was 'It's Spring', so I decided to make my Lemon and Poppyseed Ring Cake

It was really nice to meet some more of my Twitter friends (@MCMBusinessCons, @Orangemartini, @Chorleycake1 and @sweetfannyadams) as well as some more familiar faces in @thymedeli and @twittottee. 

Lots of cake consumed and cake ache well and truly set in... 

The next Bolton event is on 14th April if you can join us! 
Email me at if you fancy coming!


  1. ohhh... I couldn't make today but I wish I had! I would have loved to have met you. Your cake looks gorgeous.

    1. Can you make the Bolton one on 14th April...?


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