Tuesday 5 April 2016

Review: If I Knew You Were Coming Baking Boxes

If I Knew You Were Coming Baking Boxes
So this week a little brown package dropped through my letterbox. It was very slim, but quite heavy. Inside were the goodies needed to make coconut and white chocolate cookies! I like this very much. I wrote recently about my love for little boxes of foodie related goodies that are delivered straight to my house. I've always been a fan of Able and Cole, but this is all about the sweet stuff.

This kit is from If I knew You Were Coming and is basically all the ingredients (bar the fresh stuff), pre-weighed, put in cute little packets and ready to go. You can either buy to a three month subscription, or purchase a one off box whenever the devil you feel like it. You can choose between Marvellous Muffins, Champion Cookies, Summer Selection or Brownies. In each section there are then different flavours. I'll be putting the coconut and white chocolate cookies through their paces.
If I Knew You Were Coming Baking Boxes
All I had to add to my box of tricks was half an egg and 55g of unsalted butter, both of which I had knocking around anyway. The recipe card suggests that these cookies should take 10 minutes to make and another 10-12 minutes to bake. I found this pretty accurate, although mine needed a little longer in the oven. I think the trick is to flatten them more than I did initially.

Anyway, the important bit; they were bloody amazing! I ate one as soon as it was cool enough to scoff. This was in the interest of quality control, of course.
If I Knew You Were Coming Baking Boxes
I adore this concept. I was able to whip these cookies up whilst our dinner was in the oven, and they were ready in time for dessert.
If I Knew You Were Coming Baking Boxes
I'll definitely be using these boxes as gifts in the future. They are ideal for beginners as they are so darn easy, but they are still perfect for even the most experienced baker, as they save so much time.

Now then... when are we doing a bundt kit...?

Disclaimer: I was sent this little box of joy and asked for my honest opinion. I was under no obligation to be nice/so greedy. Two snaffled in ten minutes. That settles that then. 

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