Sunday 29 April 2012

Boutique Baking by Peggy Porschen

Every so often, a book is released that gives me butterflies when I read it. I knew it would be amazing. Peggy has a baby pink shop. We were always going to get on.

Peggy Porschen moved to England from Germany in 1998 to study at the famous Le Cordon Bleu cookery school. In 2003, she opened her boutique bakery, Peggy Porschen in Belgravia, London. She boasts a wealth of 'A Listers' as customers, including Kate Moss, Elton John, Stella McCartney and Sting.
Picture from
The outside of her shop echos the pretty delights on offer in her book. Recipes range from the most intricate creations on Earth (which I admit... give me the collie-wobbles) down to easy to master biscuits which can be made to look like a masterpiece with the right techniques. Peggy's step-by-step approach, and easy to follow instructions make even the most complicated methods achievable. 

I loved this book because it's well balanced; cupcakes, layer cakes, biscuits, meringues, tarts, cake pops and... bundts. You know I had to. I decided to tackle the Neapolitan Marble Cake. Pretty as a picture! OCD kicked in... would I get the swirls to look like Peggy's without it all mixing together? I know bundts. I know how they think. This was a really good recipe test as they are something I make regularly. 

It worked a ruddy dream. One of my favourite cakes ever. Ever ever. It came out of the tin just as easily as my firmer bundt type cakes, and the 'swirl' was as desired. Perfect.
Before it got dressed. You can just see the chocolate layer peeping...
Understated elegance
Then... Booom! Cheeky.

The cake was great too. Even my husband (totally NOT a cake face like me) loved it. Light as fairy fluff but still with that signature crisp bundt base.

This book will be one of my favourites for years to come. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I'll also be paying her a visit the next time I'm in London...

Boutique Baking is released on 24th May 2012. Please leave your comments below...

Boutique Baking by Peggy Porschen
Publisher: Quadrille, May 2012
Hardback, £20
Disclaimer: I reviewed this book because this lady has a pink shop and produces the prettiest things I have ever seen. I received no payment from the publisher for doing so.
Read more about the author at Quadrille.


  1. Wow! Perfect swirl and bundt cake!

    1. Why thank you! This one was an absolute joy!

  2. I just received a review copy of this too and can't WAIT to try it out. I did have my eye on that bundt but am going to have to make something else many incredible recipes to choose from!

    1. I really love this book. Reliable as well as pretty!

  3. I have this book too and already have a selection of bakes lined up! Your bundt looks perfect...just like the one in the book! :-)

  4. I'm craving marble cake thanks to you! xx Maria

    1. Haha sorry! Have a butchers at my bundt page!

  5. Wow - gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous cake!

    1. I used the same technique on the Pear Drops Bundt! Check that one out too...


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