So I was in London. All alone... Wandering round like a lost little sheep, only I wasn't lost, I was on Wardour Street; home to the Hummingbird Bakery and gateway to a couple of pubs we've frequented. So why have I never noticed Gail's Artisan Bakery? The chatty lady in the shop told me there are now fifteen of them across the city, yet I have missed them all. I decided to to make up for lost time...
The window was full of freshly baked bread, pastries, loaf cakes, cookies and more importantly... financiers! I'd abandoned my original idea of a burger for lunch within seconds.Hot chocolate: Hot, frothy and not too sweet. Luckily I was sat in the window which allowed me to see that I had a chin full of chocolate dust before I made a prized prat of myself.
Sultana and Cinnamon Kugelhopf: Not a traditional kugelhopf per se, but I'm willing to cut them some slack because it was so spectacular. Absolutely delectable! This is more like a soft doughnut filled with juicy fruit and doused in sugar. Everything I love about cake was in this item.
Pear Juice: A nice change from the norm, and very refreshing after a long trek to Smithfield and back!Raspberry Financier: Financiers are one of my favourite cakes ever. This was moist with a nice almond edge, however lacked the nice chewiness that Trove managed to achieve with theirs. Still very pleasant indeed!
A lovely little pit stop for a weary shopper in need of some TLC (and a cake).
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