Monday 21 May 2012

Meal Planning Monday - First Ever!

Meal Planning Monday
There are a few reasons I have decided to participate in Meal Planning Monday:

  • I am a pretty organised person in most areas of my life; work, cake club, fundraisers etc. However, this is generally at the expense of my diet... Bad planning.
  • I have put about a stone on in the last year. Bad times.
  • I spend a fortune on food that we end up wasting. Bad finance.
  • If left to decide when I open the fridge, I often opt for nothing, then find I am hungry like the wolf late at night. Bad habit.
I've been reading Kate and Nelly's meal plans over the last few weeks, and after a chat with Kate decided it would probably help me to get organised, save money and lose a few pounds! Need your own inspiration? The creator, Mrs M links everyone's offerings in one place. Well worth a nosy...

So, here we go.

Monday: Gammon, mash and peas
Tuesday: Out for tea at Teacup in Manchester.
Wednesday: Healthy home made tandoori chicken with pilau rice, bombay potatoes and naan.
Thurdsay: Gammon, mashed butternut squash and peas
Friday: Steak, jersey royals, broccoli and carrots (with a balsamic and red wine sauce)
Saturday: Turkey breast with vegetable cous cous
Sunday: Throwing caution to the wind... Perhaps out...

Shopping didn't cause me to burst a blood vessel, because I had a bit of a plan. I probably spent about the same, but I'm sure we'll waste much less. I shall start as I mean to go on...


  1. its my first time of linking up too and for many of the same reasons as you have stated here.
    good luck with your first week x

  2. Yay for meal planning! I love it. This is my first week with Mrs. M's Linky too, so...good luck! xx

  3. I love meal planning and find it a massive help to keep diet and finances on track. Hope your first week goes well!


  4. Good luck with your first week, it will soon become habit. Best thing to do is to check supermarket special offers online before you shop then you can save a few more pennies.

  5. Welcome to MPM! Your first week looks great!

    1. Thank you! I'm already planning next week!

  6. You should enter the original Meal Plan Monday at


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