
Sunday 23 August 2015

Matcha Green Tea Review

Matcha Green Tea
A couple of weeks ago, The Tea Makers of London asked me to review their Matcha green tea. I don't do many product reviews anymore, but I'd had such good results with it in the past, that I thought it was worth exploring once again. It's one of those things that you buy, rave about its benefits, only to forget to order another pot and become unintentionally estranged. I've already promised myself this will not happen again.

Matcha tea is a bright green powder which smells like tea, but you don't drink it in the usual way. It comes from Japan, and is and extremely high quality version of the stuff you get from the supermarket in teabags. It's a bit like the real gold version of costume jewellery. These leaves are grown away from direct sunlight, which slows down their growth and packs them full of super amino acids; the little wonders which help us to repair our bodies, possibly stop us from building too much fat, and boost our immune systems. It also has caffeine to perk you up, antioxidants to banish those ageing free-radicals and reportedly also boosts your metabolism.

These vibrant green leaves are ground to a fine powder which can then be mixed with liquid to make a very different brew to that which you are used to. I tend to have it whisked into apple juice as the flavours just seem to complement each other. It might be healthy and very green, but it doesn't have to taste like hell on Earth!
Matcha Green Tea
I've totally rekindled my love for Matcha green tea. I'm much brighter in the mornings (I get up at 5:45am so that's pretty good going...), and I don't get that mid afternoon lull like I used to. My colleagues must have noticed a difference, as two of them have ordered some within the first week of me using it!

It's £19.95 for 40g which seems quite expensive, but you only use half a teaspoon per day, so it lasts for quite a while. It's worth it not to be quite so grumpy in the morning...


  1. I've always wondered what Matcha is. It's all over Pinterest in various recipes but I didn't know you could drink it. Might give it a try, especially as it's soo good for you. Have you ever cooked with it?? Sammie

    1. I've not, I almost see it as a waste of Matcha!
